- Distro : Debian 12
- Desktop : Xfce4
- GTK Theme : YaruOK
- Xfwm Theme : MeeboMiceBlue
- Icon Theme : Gnome Brave
- Cursor Theme : DMZ White
- Firefox Theme : i made it
- Fetch : ufetch
- Wallpaper : Another Rocket Wallpaper
I miss real scrollbars. I remember being excited at the demo of Clearlooks with animated progress bars back in 2005.
We’ve regressed as a species.
Yes we have. This is just beautiful. Looks clean and very functional.
What demo?
What does “rice” mean in this context?
It basically means customizing your desktop to look pretty in some way.
I only thought Civics could get riced. TIL!
Yeah the term comes from the same one used for customizing cars. As to why it’s been used for desktop customization, I have no idea, but that’s where it’s from.
whats civics?
Civic in this context refers to the compact car model produced by Honda since 1972. It is popular for being cheap and frequently modified (AKA “riced”). Civics in its alternative context is the study of the rights and obligations of citizens in society. The term relates to behavior affecting other citizens, particularly in the context of urban development.
Huh TIL. Thanks!
Looks my current workspace :p
it’s gorgeous
It’s so beautiful! I love those scrollbars.