But more inportantly, it was a nice round. I felt relaxed and it just felt good.
What is the name of this app?
“Rise”, I think it is ios only. Fantastic app, I am enjoying it.
Not being an archer at all, this spread looks to me like there was no wind.
That said, excellent job!
4 walls and a roof tend to do that 🤭
(OP didn’t post what bow he was using, nonetheless on 15m I don’t expect much influence from wind on arrows anyway. For Compound and Recurve this is basically point blank)
edit: spelling. post ≠ boostYep, this is outdoor, but in a secluded place in my backyard 15m (I can go max 18m here) on a 20cm target. I’ll have to look for a place where I can get longer distances, but for now I am trying to figure out how to do it right first!
20cm face? What kind of gear are you on? Or are you talking about a triple with the inner 5 rings from a 40cm fita face?
20cm from side to side. (Diameter is the correct word, I think?) it is probably just the inner from the fita face, right? Blue ring is 6, then up to X in the middle. It fits perfectly on an A4 page, which is why I use it. Apparently it is what they use for the 3 spot indoor targets? I am shooting an old Hoyt raider intruder.
273 is an extremely good score! Well done! It’s time to move to 30m and beyond! ;)
Definitely. My small home range can go max 18m though. I am shooting a 20cm target with an old hoyt raider compound bow.