Hitler was egomaniacal I don’t think he would have a change of heart, but instead use any information too alter the outcome.
But if you’re going to send a book to one of the worst people in history it’s gotta be one of the worst books in history. Just gotta find the right age to send him The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss. I need AI to get to the next level so I can see how this might play out.
buy socks changed every day
That sounds expensive
Played through it multiple times now and still not a fan of the Silverhand story. Would’ve much rather kept Jackie throughout.
Like if V and Jackie kept rising and either rolled together or became adversaries in the end
So far the Tabasco version has been my favorite stand-in.
I get what you mean lol. I used to get pissed at the luck, but enjoyed when I was outsmarted. Now I enjoy all outcomes cause I have been able to get others into boardgames. If I play with new people I try to play towards getting them to win cause that gets them to want to play more. And once everyone knows how to play I get to play an earnest game. I’ll even take a day off work every month to get friends together for boardgames, food, and drinks.
I guess that’s kind of a reason I have so many boardgames, depending who’s playing we might enjoy one more than another. But I noticed more people liking the co-op ones more than vs games lately. Started with pandemic, then Arkham Horror and Mansions of Madness, and now Eldritch Horror is what we’ve played most. Hopefully I get to try some of the new ones I got, looking forward to Unfathomable.
I also have a butt load of boardgames, I like playing Catan not a lot but maybe once a year. The ones I keep going back to are Star wars epic duels, Eldritch Horror, and Arcadia/Starcadia Quest.
Kingdom Death, damn their amazing looking miniatures.
Tbf when I worked at BK they told me everything I would be doing as a line cook. When I started my shift the first thing the supervisor told me to do was clean the washrooms. I told them no, I was hired as a line cook and no one told me about washrooms. So the supe says I can clean them or he’ll get the manager involved and I’ll probably be fired. I said sure call him. Supe comes back and tells me to start in the kitchen. Turned out line cooks were not supposed to be cleaning washrooms and the manager came in the next day to explain everyone’s duties.
But later turned out that supe was going out with one of the cashiers.
Yeah I remember listening to that WAN show, double speak for sure.