This persons never had a pet clearly.
This persons never had a pet clearly.
I was gonna say I was still waiting for a seaman 2, but apparently it existed in Japan. Still, with AI bullshit being all the rage I could see it make a comeback.
I better have both hands on the wheel for all those times I’m mid turn and shift while still moving into reverse……
It’s… for when you’re backing up. You’ve come to a complete stop. You’re going to stop before you start moving forward again. It’s not hard to tilt glasses onto the top of your head while you stop or flip them back down when you stop.
A MUCH bigger issue would be the rear view mirrors which are just cameras and screens.
Are you mixing the two up?
Good thing glasses are permanently superglued to your face and thus it’s impossible to swap between having them on and off when swapping between going backwards and forwards…
Fucking lol. Good thing we don’t subsidize ANYTHING AT ALL and never export anything either. Boy. You’d have to be EVIL to want your country to have AFFORDABLE CARS. What’s next, AFFORDABLE HOUSING?
Look up Jinn. While plenty of people get the general “genie” stereotype there’s a lot more to Jinn/Djinn Mythology to be explored that can give inspiration. Such as ones that… tickle you to death… cuz… why not.
To be fair home solar is also not $89 for a Mwh. Least not here.
I mean I don’t really care if China has my data. Rather them than a US company. Not much china’s government can do about me (and not like I’m gonna be some high priority target for them so, whatever. If they wanted my data that bad they could just buy it from every American company anyways. )
Understandable though if you don’t want china having your data. I just have mostly given up on caring about it. Someone is gonna have my data anyways.
Literally say I have uBO on so lol chill. It works fine so I see no need to swap. Been using opera since before it went chromium and it’s been fine so no real need to swap. Haven’t run into issues with being told to use chrome/edge I’ve seen people post on here, haven’t run into issues with having to update uBO or anything for it to work with YouTube so I’m fine. Plus workspaces and CPU/Internet limiters are nice.
Same on OperaGX, zero issues with their Adblock+Ublock Origin.
I mean, edge is the default browser and it’s not like you’d be crazy to say “l’m surprised people use edge as their internet browser”
But yeah, it’s not surprising people use Google, it is surprising people don’t know alternatives are not horrible anymore and Google generally is.
Depends on the cat. My cats follow me more than my dogs.