Sick! Amazing that there’s music videos and movies like this out there. The music is awesome as well. Thank you both for sharing!
Sick! Amazing that there’s music videos and movies like this out there. The music is awesome as well. Thank you both for sharing!
Wow this is awesome, thanks for sharing! I know what I’m watching next.
Same here actually, ~10 years too lol, since my first Android. SwiftKey worked very well (for me at least) but its owned by Microsoft, which gathers user data. I’ve been making a switch to FOSS apps and trying to degoogle myself in the recent months.
It was hard for me to leave SwiftKey due to other options being unsatisfactory / other keyboards always missing something, but HeliBoard did the trick for me :)
HeliBoard is amazing, I recommend it! For those wondering how to enable simultaneous multi-lingual support (i.e. swipe or text in both languages and get predictions in both languages), I explained it in this comment chain, and included a screenshot for reference:
I tried both, AnySoftKeyboard was a bit too much effort and took me longer to type on unfortunately. HeliBoard was a nice replacement for SwiftKey for me though.
Yeah, that’s what I interpreted. That’s what I enabled with the steps I mentioned. I have the English keyboard enabled in Heliboard. I tapped on it, and added Polish in the “multilingual” section.
I both typed and swiped to właśnie zdanie (this exact sentence) i słowa w nim (and the words in it). Simultaneously.
Added is a screenshot for reference. If you meant something completely different (like letter gesturing?), sorry, I don’t follow.
OP, thank you for sharing this. I think this (Heliboard) is my new favorite keyboard that satisfies my personal requirements!!! I mean it.
And to think I almost didn’t click on the post because of the title 🤣…
I’m wondering the same. Sure would be nice.
EDIT: And I found it a minute after my post lol. Inside Heliboard, go to settings, find languages, don’t use system languages. Add your main language, then tap it and a “hidden” menu will come up. In it is the multilingual option. Tapping it will enable you to add another language to the same Heliboard language.
My top 10 in decreasing order (the first series’ games I listed individually to give due credit to these masterpieces):