All that seems to do is force the game into windowed mode and cause heavy artifacting (using gamescope -f doesn’t show the game at all, but it still seems to be running in the background).
All that seems to do is force the game into windowed mode and cause heavy artifacting (using gamescope -f doesn’t show the game at all, but it still seems to be running in the background).
Ah, so the issue isn’t VRR then.
How do I disable that? KDE’s settings doesn’t seem to have anything about VRR (searching for it leads me to the display setings, but there’s nothing mentioning VRR there either).
oh hey, one of these posts that aren’t downvoted
cloned reply
clone comment
I didn’t, I just noticed that 3 hour-old comments were highlighted, while 4 hour-old comments weren’t (but I just saw a highlighted 4 hour-old comment and an unhighlighted 3 hour-old comment, so it might be something else).
Update: the limit seems to be 4 hours for comments, not 10 minutes.
I just entered the thread, so in that case all the comments should be highlighted.
I didn’t follow any links.
It’s not an Nvidia problem (no discrete gpu, already checked both Windows and Linux)
Edit: Somehow missed your edit, oops
Also I might try X11, just to see if anything changes.