Just put android on it. Games and tv and user friendly.
Just put android on it. Games and tv and user friendly.
Im not getting it on f droid
Edit: oh wait, there it is
Thats helpful to know, thanks. I was going to use a flirc case inside a magic mirror but I wont do that now 😅
You might be able to find a flirc heatsink case for it they are pretty tidy
Ooh right. I looked at a few of those apps. They seemed a little invasive on the permissions and data collection to me
So to use Teams for my workplace, there’s a shit load of security OS shite that needs to be installed on your phone in order for it to work, I’m not doing that on my personal phone. They give out work phones, but my role differs enough from most peoples that having a work phone is a waste of time and pocket space. But I can join a meeting from a chromium type browser without issue. Also screen sharing can be useful in meetings. But yeah, you’re right, 90%+ of the time, a phone is the better option
Looking in terminal, it doesn’t look like it can put out more than 30fps. It defaults to 1080, I have the camera 3 module. That said, there is some lag at both 720 and 1080, although it doesn’t seem worse at 1080 than 720. Still, plenty good enough for it’s purpose, which is just to put my face in the teams call.
Thanks a lot this looks perfect, ordered :)
I just wanted to do subscript markdown, I didnt know what else to write
~its 2024 grampa~
I havent used sd cards for a while, but I found balena etcher to be more reliable the pi’s sd writer outside of pi OS or debian
Why this over the default retropie image? (genuinely curious)
Aha yes, I noticed to and too and reinstalled from the newpipe fdroid repo! I just assumed I had missed a previous post here about it but I guess not 😅
Any idea what the power draw is for n100’s compared to pi?
What are you casting? if its just youtube then why not just use the app? the only way to find out is to try it out, I suggest pi 5 as its much more compatible with android but at that price you might as well just got an android device if casting is the most imbortant thing to you ie firestick, roku stick.
Edit: or just a google chromecast device?
there used to be rpicast but that hasnt kept up with android releases and youd be casting to a rpi os desktop which would probably be a bit more hands on than it sounds like you want it to be
Android tv on lineage by https://konstakang.com/ might be worth looking at. Havent tried it myself but here is a review of android 10 https://youtu.be/zN3zcUpeW8U?feature=shared which is quite old and I imagine there have been a lot of improvements by now. I might be wrong so anyone feel free to correct: I dont think pi 4 has wifi on android tv only ethernet, but I think pi 5 does have wifi on android plus better graphics drivers.
retroarch stable. Download from website, ive had issues with the fdroid one. And then uninstall all your other emulators because retroarch will do them all. You can play old games with trophies too if you have a retroachievements account.
Ive never had to use it myself 🤞 hope it helps!
Have you tried just downgrading the version of chromium? https://askubuntu.com/questions/138284/how-to-downgrade-a-package-via-apt-get
Maybe a pi that will run desktop better than a zero with some music services set up as web apps? You can get linux mints webapps using pi-apps. I have a touchscreen setup with volumio, but im pretty sure volumio wont connect to a speaker through bluetooth, raspberry pi or other desktop os’ will though. My hunch says that ubuntu might be more likely to work with an external play/pause control - play and pause keys dont work with chromium or firefox in raspi os, but will with vlc and the like, I havent been able to figure out what causes this but I think its somewhere in the os as the browser flags all seem to be set up right