Egyptian pyramids and space shuttles were too made by individuals. What’s your point?
Do you personally use Haiku, AROS, something else, asking this? At least FreeBSD, ha-ha.
Egyptian pyramids and space shuttles were too made by individuals. What’s your point?
Do you personally use Haiku, AROS, something else, asking this? At least FreeBSD, ha-ha.
Which year it was? I think I had working synchronization between Gajim, Psi+ and Dino. Don’t remember if Conversations fits into this list. There’s a XEP for this supported by them so it should work.
XMPP is modern XMPP replacement.
Ideologies aren’t about dogmatism, but about coherent groups of conclusions based on underlying analysis.
This sentence translates to choosing a model and then trying to hammer the reality to fit under it. Which is obviously dogmatism.
The funniest part is that leftist pseudointellectualism, where there is no actual discussion happening, but a leftist thinks there is because of the tone they use. Also hints at them acting this way in other situations, that is, being used to dogmatism.
Without dogmatism people change models like tools, each one for its own job. They don’t call themselves any kind of -ist.
It’s pretty telling that you out yourself as a Libertarian though, lmao.
Literally the opposite of what I’ve said, lmao. Reading comprehension skills on par with your self-identification.
Leftist ideologies include dogmatic statements. Just like all other ideologies. Otherwise we wouldn’t use the word “ideology” at all.
If this were true, you’d say that left ideas are the closest to your expectation of what’s best and that’d be fine, and not call yourself leftist. Now it’s as if you are putting ideology above practice.
Which would be the same as me always feeling as if I were lying while, say, saying that I’m a libertarian or a distributist, because I have no permanent attachment to any ideology, just these seem sane now. So I rarely say that and feel bad when I do.
Which efficient and not failing systems does your kind of leftists propose?
Leaving it open is a valid political position of making efficiency more important than ideology.
I don’t know which architectures may be invented in the future to work, I’m not against them coming from leftist premises, but I’ve met fewer leftists interested in even imagining them than libertarians or even conservatives.
When most leftists are too busy with hating on groups of people and thinking about what others own, it’s really hard to talk to them about anything real.
I’ve literally finished my comment with it.
If your point is …
You know, of course, that the answer to that “if” is usually “no”, and this is called a strawman argument.
… then I’m afraid …
No reason to be afraid! Sing and dance and hug your family, friends and house animals.
… relatively few historical examples … people sharing tools …
People have been sharing tools since eating less fortunate breeds of people, the optimal architecture of that is the point of contention.
Never tried for real, I see.
Why would one hate right ideas then, of the libertarian kind.
Historians studying them don’t hate, true, but we also don’t hate plague or dog shit on the road.
But the freaking premier got crucified simply for pointing that out.
Which is the same as demand.
Really I covered everything you just asked.
I’m sad to say it, but you have reading comprehension problems. Maybe that’s my bad English, but not sure I could take complaints in that regard seriously here.
Do you choose market mechanisms everywhere or only where it gives your side advantage?
Also one would think that job requirements are a result of market demand too.
And if it’s state jobs, then that’s because people you work for speak English or French, and you have to be able to communicate with them in either English or French if they so desire.
I’m more of the “99% assimilated” kind, interested in learning what didn’t go down to me in more natural way.
Well, my paternal line ancestors are from a group of <ethnicity and religion> villages, naturally wiped out in <year>, the amount of people with roots from the same place on the whole planet is maybe just a bit more than the amount of <“titular” nation> living there.
The dialect is dead (there are some traits of it and examples documented).
Every time I abstractly or not talk about that with most people, I encounter “international law” bullshit, something about “recognized borders” and “rule of law” or simply approval of how it is and general attitude as if I were the problem and not <“titular” nation’s state>.
Yes, of course that place doesn’t belong to that state and any kind of violence is justified against it and its supporters, anytime, anyplace. A lot of people having nothing to do with that state feel indignation hearing\reading about that, towards me.
Or my <another ethnicity> side, which is supposedly doing not so bad at preserving its culture, which has its own state, only that state sucks and most of the organizations about that ethnicity suck, because they serve that state.
So I almost feel as if that state and its works replacing the perception of that culture I like were a continuation of genocide sometimes.
He has a point that if he has to learn your language, it makes sense that you have to learn his. You are not better or worse.
Also from my little understanding of French there are no insults there.
Had a nice TV from that company. It was really long ago, though, and the terribly bright blue indicator of it being on I didn’t like, especially when using as a PC monitor.
Well, in ex-USSR there is 1C which in syntax is a bit like Pascal with Russian instead of English.
Also plenty of other languages using Russian keywords, but for the purpose of your question - I think it’s safe to assume that anything relevant uses English.
When it’s not E2EE, maybe they are right. What’s the point of encrypting something that gets decrypted midway by an organization with hundreds of employees, many of them with access, not even talking about law enforcement and accidental criminals.
EDIT: I mean, illusion of security may be sometimes worse that lack of that little security which comes with it. Everything is complex.