It was dumb, but at least it was semi-fun dumb. Thank goodness they never made any more Matrix movies after the first one.
shut up shut up shut up shut up no they didn’t shut up shut up
some guy… somewhere
It was dumb, but at least it was semi-fun dumb. Thank goodness they never made any more Matrix movies after the first one.
shut up shut up shut up shut up no they didn’t shut up shut up
Why do both of the Spider-Man animated movies look like they’re something like 15 frames per second? It actually made me sort of nauseous to watch them when things were moving around really fast.
OT lightsaber fights looked like people who practiced the idea of “less is more” combat and knew pointless flailing and twirling around was useless against a similarly skilled opponent. This MADE SENSE. Everyone in the prequels flipping around and going nuts with the lightsabers and all that – it was laughable. Even Luke in the OT who wasn’t as skilled as some of the so-called “masters” from the prequels used at least some restraint and thought when fighting.
The prequels are garbage and I’m sick of people who think they’re good just because we made memes out of them.
There Will Be Blood. Wooden acting, almost nothing happens, the soundtrack is earsplitting noise, but everyone loves it because of the “milkshake” meme at the end.
Fuck that movie. Walked out on it halfway through, read about what “happened” afterwards later (spoiler: fucking nothing) and regret nothing.
Why is your decimal a comma and the separator a full stop? A comma continues a thought just like it continues a number, and a full stop (period) separates sentences, much like it separates a whole and fractional part of a number. Your system is ass-backwards and you fucking know it. You should be ashamed of it.
Buy an internet ad that tells people the damn dollar sign goes BEFORE the number.
Go outside in 40°C weather for a bit, come back inside, sit in front of air conditioner, be just fine in a couple of minutes
Go outside in even 10°C weather for a second, come back inside, freezing to death even in front of a heater for an hour because cold or even very cool weather chills me to the bone and it takes forever for me to get warm again
Yeah, I prefer summer.
Sure seemed like one from the amount of fucking goddamn hype it got.