Great pick!
So many quotes from Casablanca are part of our everyday culture… and AFAIK it is the first movie ever to feature a flashback in a flashback. Combined with the awesome cast of actors this is a masterpiece. :-)
Great pick!
So many quotes from Casablanca are part of our everyday culture… and AFAIK it is the first movie ever to feature a flashback in a flashback. Combined with the awesome cast of actors this is a masterpiece. :-)
One is not enough, and a lot of great movies where already named, still, some great movies are missing:
… from the top of my mind. :-P
FreeCiv is a classic and still fun. rogue and nethack are good, too.
Not arcade style, but Final Fantasy I-VI pixel remasters are IMHO great on phones.
Because we are men/gals of culture! :-P Hadouken! ;-)
Nice, I love Yakuza, really very special in the world of gaming! :-)
(No order, might be not exactly 10 :-P)
Digital, unless I really want the book and it is only analog.
The analog form factor of books is IMHO much nicer, and I understand everyone who doesn’t like digital books.
Stil, for me going digital beats analog:
I also have to say, Amazon really earned all the critic it gets, but their Kindle apps and physical devices are awesome. It is easy to buy DRM free books and read/sync them with Amazon kindle infrastructure (send to device etc.).
Wait, so the summary states clearly, that a.) flossing is effective b.) mouth rinsing is more effective?!? It seems to good to be true, why does not every producer of mouth rinsing make advertisement with this? I also always ask my dentists about tips for dental hygiene, and none every recommend mouth rinsing. (Germany)
I also got the ‘brush after every contact with sugar’ thingy.
The common agreement nowadays seems to be twice a day and the points are very clear: before you go to bed and soon after getting up in the morning, to bring some fluid to the nasty bacteria, remove their food and plaque from your teeth.
Seriously, I have no idea how one could brush teeth in 2 minutes. I brush gently, use the simple swipe away from the gum technique and just work systematic chewing surfaces, inner surfaces, outer surfaces. Each part gets 2-3 swipes. I had a professional dental cleaner teach this technique to me, and she also told me that she couldn’t finish within 3 minutes. (Do not misunderstand me; I would happily get away with 2 minutes.) BTW flossing is another interesting topic, AFAIK there is no study which can show that flossing helps your teeth/gum. (I floss daily, but I just cannot understand why there is no study which supports this practice.)
Very nice! :-) Cheers to Eduardo!
Where would be the fun w/o a missed shot from your shotgun when standing right next to the alien? ;-)
Fair enough!
As I said, I would not host it myself.
My solution is much simpler and more redundant: A KeepassXC file backed up to different physical locations and 2 different cloud providers.
If I ever forget my password, I am totally screwed. :-P … but OTOH an event which would lead to the deletion of all of my backups at the same time would be extinction - level. ;-)
X-COM (from the 90’s, not the remake):
I totally sucked at playing X-COM and died a lot, until I learned about real world squad tactics.
In X-COM, the members of your team can get scared/lose it, and behave in random ways like throwing away their weapons/fleeing the fight or just going berserk and shooting around.
So, after I improved my game with my newly acquainted knowledge of real world squad tactics, I had a terror mission. Terror missions are missions, where the aliens attack and which are harder than the other missions.
I managed to survive the load out from the helicopter and kill nearly every alien on first contact, thanks to very careful and orchestrated movement of my squad.
There was one alien left, I tried to shoot it several times from a distance, and of course (this being X-COM after all), all of my shoots missed…
I didn’t even know that it was possible. After weeks of loosing and frustration, this one moment is the most satisfying moment of my entire gaming history (more than 30 years now).
Haven’t found any modern game, where this would be even possible!
Mandatory link to OpenXcom
I would not self host a password manager, simply because I don’t want running something like that on a 24/7 online server.
Still, if I needed to run a password manager on a server, I would rather self host it than use a hosted service from someone else.
In my opinion, running such a service commercially is a much harder problem than self hosting it and has a much bigger attack surface.
This is IMHO what many people do not understand about hosting as a service vs. self hosting: The full time DevOps/Admins etc. people who work at the hosting service are hopefully better than me at hosting stuff. At the same time the problem they have to solve is so much harder than self hosting, that even if they are 10x as good as me, running my own little service with a firewall, rate limiting and monitoring should at least not be less secure.
To the best of my knowledge, how a body processes caffeine is highly individual.
My body seems extremely bad at processing caffeine, and I’ll sleep worse and get other bad side effects after a few days of drinking two cups of coffee before 2 PM.
Other people drink coffee until the late afternoon and don’t report such problems.
In summary: I would recommend anyone who experiences sleep problems or the feeling of being stressed to avoid caffeine for 2-3 weeks to rule it out as a source of problems. OTOH if your sleep is okay and you don’t sleep bad, consume as much caffeine as you are happy about.
One more word about the research concerning caffeine: Usually the research is done with young (< 30 years), healthy (they sort out people with illnesses problems) people. AFAIK everything they say about caffeine is technically true, but unless you are young and healthy, the research doesn’t tell you anything about how caffeine will impact your life/body/health.
You know that there is a remake on Steam?
Although macOS has some great features I sorely miss in Linux (working tag system for example), I could not disagree more. For my workflow, use cases etc. Linux wins hands down.
OTOH IMHO that is the key: Use what works for your use cases/workflow, be it macOS, Windows, Ubuntu or whatever.
Who else can survive for years on eating their own foot-skin? :-P