Alternatively, if your current phone doesn’t have a headphone jack, do you wish it did?

    2 years ago

    I really like that bluetooth devices can still work at distances farther than a typical cable would allow. I have a decently-sized studio apartment and I can see my computer screen from most places. It’s nice to continue watching a video as I move around the apartment to clean, get up to stretch, play with my cat, etc.

    You could probably get wired headphones that long, but then you’d be dealing with that giant cable all the time. Or you’d have to constantly swap cables and interrupt the audio during that time. My AirPods work reliably from 15ft away. I can’t argue with that convenience.

      2 years ago

      I live in a 3 bedroom 1000sqft house and walk around with my AirPods on between rooms no problem. I’d need a 100’+ cable to have that type of freedom with wired. Range is unparalleled between the two.

      That said, this is a phone we’re talking about which is quite easy to bring with me between rooms, and even if I’d prefer to be charging my phone there’s a high likelihood I’d be going back to my desk shortly anyway since I predominantly use my AirPods while I’m working.