I learned that my boss’s boss has never changed a diaper and he has three children. My opinion of him instantly hit rock bottom.
Bet he was proud of it too.
Narcissism. Instantly 100% less of a valid person when you can’t see outside yourself.
Celebrity worship. If you spend all your time on instagram or TikTok following the latest trends and being emotionally affected by the behavior and actions of a “celebrity”, then we probably have nothing in common and I probably don’t want to have a conversation with you.
I said this in another post and i got accused of thinking I’m better than someone who watches celebs.
You don’t have to say it, I will.
You are measurably better than someone who worships celebrities.
Being rude to restaurant servers and retail workers just because you can. Instantly flips my opinion on anyone who does this.
Also people who litter. It’s amazingly selfish.
I love how half the things in this thread are listing whole ass litanies of terrible abuser traits and then going & ALSO LITTERERS. damn can I agree
Agreed - you can tell a lot about someone by how they treat restauraunt staff.
there’s ZERO excuse to ever shout at somebody who’s working, they can’t argue back and it’s incredibly one sided
people who are irrationally argumentative. Even when they agree with you, their sentence starts with "No, " and it drives me nuts
people who litter, especially people who litter with a bin in sight. People who let their dog shit and walk away I guess also fall under this category
people who hate others because of their sexuality, gender or race
I find the 1st hilarious, I know people who do this and it instantly confuses the shit out of me
Must admit, once I’m out of the moment, I can reflect and find it funny, but in a “damn I feel kind of sorry for you, something must have happened in your early life to make you like this” way
Manipulative ones. How do people not feel dirty when lying, coercing, and threatening to get what they want?
Not being able to admit when you are wrong.
Also not apologising. For example when people don’t say sorry for being late.
Capitalist rent-seeking. Feeling entitled to make a profit off doing nothing except buying a resource other people need, because you already have enough money to do this. Maybe “despise a person beyond belief” is a bit strong, but I hate that people do this, and I hate that it’s condoned and even admired in capitalist societies.
If there were no homes to rent, where would people who can’t or don’t want to buy live?
I can’t speak for OP but I think in general the idea that “landlords shouldn’t exist” or whatever doesn’t just stop at eliminating rentals. There is more than enough housing in the US to house everyone here (and probably the world? if not, there’s enough resources to build housing for everyone), and it seems unjust to let people be homeless or exploit their need for shelter due to artificial scarcity.
I like to think that most of us could agree that everyone deserves the dignity of having shelter regardless of what luck life has dealt them, even if we can’t immediately agree on how.
There is more than enough housing in the US to house everyone here
Only if you assume that the entire country is a single market where specific location is largely irrelevant. The places where a lot of housing is available is usually because it’s not where people want to be. Like I could buy a house on main street in the town where my grandparents grew up for <$100,000. But do I want a small house in bumfuck nowhere that doesn’t have any land attached to it and requires significant upgrades and maintenance due to age? No, not particularly, especially because it would either mean a 2+ hour commute to a nearby major city or an entirely remote job.
The abscence of landlords does not preclude the existence of housing. The house would still be there if there wasn’t a landlord attached to it.
You’re ignoring apartment blocks and similar high density developments.
I don’t follow, are you suggesting it’s impossible to own a single apartment in a block? As someone who lives in an apartment I own without owning the entire building, I can tell you that’s definitely false. You don’t need a landlord to make high density housing to work.
So nobody owns the building?
Would imagine it’s an HOA situation.
There’s a company that owns the land, and it’s sole purpose is to maintain the land and common areas of the building. All the units could be individually owned, and that company exists to have a bank account that can pay for repairs/repaints. In this situation I’m describing, while the company would own the building, they have no ability to raise rents, as all the units would be owned by the tenants.
That sounds an awful lot like a landlord. And if no rent is being collected, where is the money for the bank account coming from?
The people who own the apartments. Individual units have individual owners, shared areas have shared ownership by whoever owns the units unless specified otherwise. Maintenance of common areas is the shared responsibility of all owners.
Before landlords we all just lived under trees for shelter from the rain. Cooperative housing doesnt and never existed.
This is objectively false.
I think it was sarcasm ;)
Most of the people I know live in a Housing cooperative. I can’t be assed to fact check but I’ll bet it’s the most common form of housing in Sweden.
No it would just be a piece of land. The landlord bought the Land and built the house, without the landlord, it would be land owned by the government or a realty company.
In many cases, landlords buy already built houses and rent them out. The solution is to remove the landlord and give the house to the resident.
Free land and house, what kind of thinking is that?
What, do you think people should have to pay to be able to sleep in a safe place?
Let’s imagine there was somehow zero rental market. Imagine there was a law against purchasing a dwelling and then not actually using it as your residence. People still need to live somewhere, so there would be a demand for housing. People would see a profit in meeting that demand, so someone would build and sell housing. Currently, those who can’t afford to buy a home have rental as a cheap alternative. Without that, there would be an open niche for something to meet the need for housing. There would be a market pressure to solve the discrepancy between the price of housing and the available capital of the average person. House prices might be forced down, salaries might be forced up, I don’t know what would happen precisely but there would be a pressure to make it possible for people to live somewhere.
You can see evidence for this in what happened in a lot of major cities. People have been able to use one home that they own as collateral in buying a second, and then use the income from renting it out to pay that off plus a little profit. That leaves them with two properties as collateral and a little cash spare, making it easier to do it again with a more expensive place. Rinse and repeat and you’ve got wealthy landlords buying up all the properties so there’s no need for the people selling those properties to drop prices to where first-time buyers can afford them - the usual dynamics of supply and demand that keep prices in reach of buyers have been disrupted, and the two types of buyer separate into two tiers that get pushed further apart, getting harder and harder for people to jump from the lower tier to the upper. This is how you end up with people paying £1000 in rent while the bank tells them they can’t have a £700-a-month mortgage because they can’t afford it, and that £1000 a month leaves them nothing left over to save up for the £30,000 deposit they’d need anyway. The market pressure that led to this situation are obvious, and reversing those pressures is the most obvious way to fix the situation.
When people get offended on behalf of others, especially when their stupidity harms the people they claim to be offended for.
Case in point, the Hogwarts Legacy situation. It made trans people look unhinged by association, even though the seemingly vast majority of them were cis progressives.
And if I as a trans person mention how I don’t feel represented and don’t appreciate what they are doing? Suddenly I’m a Russian troll or something. So stupid.
I think you make a good point that over reacting to perceived offenses can make the “victims” look bad, but the idea that only those who identify as the victim have any right to speak on it is nonsense. I’m a white person but I’m going to call out racism when I see it because to my view of a just society, that racism cannot be allowed. I have nobody in my life that is trans and the current right wing war against trans people doesn’t affect me at all, but I’m still going to be an ally and stand against it.
And honestly anyone who blamed trans people for the harry potter game backlash likely wasn’t a fan of trans people to begin with. I wouldn’t worry so much about their opinion.
You must be like all other trans people or we can’t put a label on you. Didn’t you get the memo sent out from Trans Headquarters?
Super fake people who are clearly pushing an alterior motive. I think of my last interaction with a Discord mod who was overly politie and typing as if they knew a third party was watching. It’s just not normal human to human conversation.
I agree that feeling manipulated is frustrating and sad. At the same time now I’m scared you wouldn’t like texting with me… I take my time sometimes to write something out, and then I think about what I’d like to say and realize what I wrote doesn’t reflect that, so I type it out again. I want to be clear and use the right words, you know?
That’s not being fake at all lol. It’s about speaking to a person to connect to them, rather then speaking to a person for the purpose of putting on an act.
yooo I fkn agree with this one, goddamn
People who hurt animals or tease them to annoy them to get a good laugh. If I’m ever in a situation weather to save the animal or that person, the person does not get saved.
Littering, or any other type of casual damage to the environment.
I suspect a lot of yall should say this:
There is nothing worse than seeing my own flaws reflected in someone. Like, if they’re a lazy neckbeard who talks about niche media and old-sci-fi while contributing nothing to society.
Especially the flaws i had when i was younger. I die a bit every time i see an unaware selfish arrogant teenager.
If they treat animals bad. Stray animals or their own.
If they apologize but they’re too quick to justify themselves or they turn it on you instead.
If they treat retail workers/staff badly. Or diminish their job in any way.
If they make alot of crude jokes/comments about women. They’re just misogynistic
The slightest hint of financial superiority. Snobbery, if you will.
All the people richer than you?