I have a tub of Vaseline and have hardly scratched the surface. I’m curious whether anyone uses it for anything other than their lips.
Nipple fissures
Dry nipples
Runner’s rash
I’m beginning to think I have fragile nipples…
My nipples too, are extraordinarily humble
I use it as anti-seize for RF connectors. It allows cables to connect to antennas without getting stuck, even if left like that for years in maritime environments.
EDIT: Just make sure the vasseline is neutral and not (even slightly) acidic. Otherwise it’ll cause corrosion.
Mixing Vaseline with cotton and rolling it into small balls makes for surprisingly effective firestarter. Catches fire from almost everything (even flint and steel) and the burns with strong flame for like 2 minutes.
Dryer lint is great for that combo.
I used these a bunch in some jungle training. Any petroleum based jellies worked great, so we used bacitracin packets as our additive.
Fun fact: dead bamboo will always be dry in the middle between two joints. You can split it up into a couple thin pieces and it makes great kindling.
Live bamboo will create a small pressure bomb.
Another fun fact for if you’re in a deciduous forest, beach tree bark will always light, even when wet. It contains a flammable oil.
That seems counter productive to tree survival
You don’t have to peel bark from a live tree… There are usually plenty lying around in a forest like that. So no it’s not really.
YES. Tiny cuts.
You know when you get a paper cut or similar, (not a scratch, a clean cut) and it stings and is really irritating, but it’s not deep enough to bleed much if at all?
Whack some vaseline on it. You block the air from your nerves and get instant relief.
Also use it sometimes to prevent chafing, like before a long bike ride.
That’s exactly what it was originally meant for.
Native Americans discovered the use of petroleum jelly for protecting and healing skin.[4] Sophisticated oil pits had been built as early as 1415–1450 in Western Pennsylvania.[5] In 1859, workers operating the United States’s first oil rigs noticed a paraffin-like material forming on rigs in the course of investigating malfunctions. Believing the substance hastened healing, the workers used the jelly on cuts and burns.
I’m pretty sure that most of what Neosporin is is Vaseline… And it makes sense. It’s basically Vaseline with a mild antibiotic.
Vaseline is awesome for preventing scars too: when the wound is still open, use Neosporin, but after it closes up a bit and is just healing, switch to Vaseline and just keep it in Vaseline until it’s totally gone.
Carmex lip balm as well.
It’s great for keeping rust off tools. Just the slightest whiff of vaseline will keep rust away for years. I tend to use a spray can of vaseline for that though, not a tub.
I used some around my nose when I caught a nasty cold and I couldn’t stop blowing my nose. It helped with the pain.
My great aunt used to cook with it. By far the weirdest spaghetti Ive ever eaten. 0/10 do not recommend.
I use it to coat my car battery terminals.
I know a girl who thinks of ghosts. She’ll make you breakfast; she’ll make you toast. But she don’t use butter. And she don’t use cheese. She don’t use jelly, or any of these.
She uses Vaseline.
A new Lemmy version of a_poem_for_your_sprog spotted
Those are song lyrics. She Don’t Use Jelly by The Flaming Lips
Oh my bad!!
I get super dry skin in winter, especially on my hands where my skin can even start to crack and bleed. Vaseline works wonders.
Same here, my foreskin also gets really dry during the winter months… _
Yes. And I’ll take no further questions on the subject.
For evaluation talks with my employees ofcourse…
I was going to use it to lubricate keyboard switches but it turns out that it’s bad for plastics.
It’s good to put around your eyebrows when you’re tinting them, so you don’t stain the skin or any invisible hair.
Also good for putting on nail polish, for similar reasons.
I use it in my nose after a nosebleed and put it on popsicle sticks to put in houseplants to be a sticky trap for flying pests