I’ll go first: “You have to have children when you’re young,” told to me when I was in my late 20s, with no desire to ever have kids, and no means to support them, by someone divorced multiple times with at least one adult child who does not speak to them.
Also: Responding to “How do I deal with this problem?” questions with “Oh, don’t worry about it, it’s enough that you’re even thinking about it!”
“You need to love yourself, before you can love someone else”
I mean, good advice if it’s for someone who’s prone to build codependent relationships. Which still, no one but a professional therapist should be diagnosing.
But It’s in no way helpful advice to someone who is lonely or otherwise struggling. It’s almost along the lines of “why don’t you just cheer up”.
Helpful advice would be something along the lines “I understand you are struggling, maybe it would be a good idea to check out therapy”
That doesn’t really say much though. “Never use cement to fill a pillow” is also crappy advice for someone that feels lonely but can be considered very good advice for someone thats considering filling their pillow with cement.
What part do you not understand my friend?
The cement thing probably, I haven’t heard that one before either
Well I’m glad. Now you will not fill your pillow with cement. I guarantee you it will not become a more comfortable pillow if you fill it with cement.