Hello all!
I finally got my Lemmy instance up and running yay!
It runs on a local machine, I have nginx installed and my website pointing onto it.
lemmy.mindoki.com => my_static_ip(port 80) => local_ip => nginx
In ngunx I just set up a hello world message, and it works out. lemmy.mindoki.com shows it.
Now, my Lemmy instance is accessible on but obviously only from inside the hosting machine itself.
I have tinkered a bit with the nginx.conf but I feel there is lot of things to do wrongly, especially as it’s ‘dynamic’, but also it seems like a schoolbook example (for Lemmy, so no hits on my favourite search engine), so maybe someone has a working nginx.conf file to spare for a basic setup like this?
Thanks a bunch!
Hello !
I followed your instructions, taking the:
and sticking:
in the “http {” section + changing all the {{domain}} to lemmy.mindoki.com and changing the {{lemmy_port}} to 1236 (FYI: hits up Lemmy locally)
Saving it all off in the nginx nginx.conf file.
I feel exceedingly stupid, but is this the way to go? Because I get this error when I reload nginx:
nginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream “lemmy:8536” in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:111
Cheers and thanks again!
Edit: removing the upstreams, changed the backend proxy_pass, but to no avail…
Can you describe your setup in more details? Are you using the Docker setup with also NGINX running on the host outside of Docker?
If so,
must be passed in as a volume to the inner NGINX via the docker-compose. On the host, you only need the bits fromnginx.conf
. Don’t try to use the internal ones, it doesn’t make sense.If you post your configs it will be easier to pinpoint exactly what’s wrong. Also paste the output of
docker ps
.Hello, I’m back with more questions and clarifications!
This is what I did to install Lemmy:
Install a fresh Linux Mint on an old PC.
Follow the ‘official’ docker install: https://join-lemmy.org/docs/administration/install_docker.html
I continued with nginx, lets encrypt etc.
I also installed PosgreSQL and added a user Lemmy.
I forward a TCP connection from my fix public IP to the lemmy PC and pointed lemmy.mindoki.com with an A redirection onto that public IP:PORT.
The only ‘exotic’ thing done was that I added these lines to /home/fediverse/.bashrc :
export LEMMY_CONFIG_LOCATION=“/media/fediverse/Storage/lemmy/lemmy.hjson”
. “$HOME/.cargo/env”
I don’t think (but not completely sure) that the last line was added by me manually.
Now I can access Lemmy locally on localhost:1236 and everything works (inscription, creations of ‘subs’ etc).
I added the nginx.conf config file at the end of this message (some lines are commented out to make it work at all).
Almost feels like I should have a very much shorter nginx config file 🙃
Thanks again!
EDIT: I messed something up, the server now only answers “Server error”, I’ll be back later …