Hi, I have access to a paid shop but have 2 Nintendos. This shop decided after a while that the “licenses” changed from being able to use on 2 devices to just 1.
Now it’s hard to keep mine and my SO’s Nintendos games on the same version…
I was wondering if I could host them on my pc somehow and create an eshops connection just like a normal shop. Then I could download the games from the paid shop, somehow pull them from the switch to the server and there it is. The other switch just has to connect and update.
Is something like this possible? (sorry if the text is all over the place, it’s late and I ran out of ADHD meds 🙃. Hope you were still able to decipher what I meant)
I was able to sync game updates between my hacked switch and none hacked switch
There am option under manage software
Do you mean the built in update thing? If so, I’ve had it happen in the past that when I try to play games together and there’s a version mismatch it’ll ask me to update but also update the OFW and in the process fuck up my CFW if they aren’t on the same version.
Also, I’m not entirely sure every game supports it.
If you play with others, I would take care to keep HOS and AMS up to date to prevent annoyances like this.
Also, on emummc you don’t know when a game gets an update due to no Nintendo servers. To check for updates on emummc, you can connect to WiFi (make sure dnsmitm is setup), then open DBI, and run the update checker tool. It will list any available newer versions for games/apps you have installed on your system.
Yeah, I try to keep HOS and AMS up to date, but I’ve forgotten in the past ans got stuck on an airplane/airport without being able to play together… But that’s entirely my fault 😅
Oh, I do have DBI but I’ve never used it to check that. Thats nice to know! Thanks
Yes that one, I did it for Pokémon violet and they did match os versions. It’s much easier to update cfw than updating through a private store
Ah yeah maybe that’s not a bad option but it only works for updates. :(