Just finished a 25 mile bike ride. Now I relax the rest of the day away. :)
My Nanking cherry bushes are exploding with berries right now, so I’m going to go fill a big fat jar and get a cherry liquour going. Come September I’ll have a lovely concoction that will sit forgotten in my fridge all winter.
I envy people who can make things like that. People are so resourceful.
It’s rare that I manage to catch them when they’re ripe and the birds haven’t devoured them all. But the wet spring we’ve had so far has just made my hedge go nuts, and all the volunteers along the fence are covered in them too.
In terms of resourcefulness, I wish I could claim that. But this literally just involves throwing a bunch of cherries in a big jar with a buttload of sugar and letting it sit in the sun for a month or two, throwing in some cloves and cinnamon halfway through. It’s about as low effort as it gets.