- OS: GNU Guix
- Color Theme: gruvbox material
- Window Management: dwl-guile wayland compositor
- Bar: dtao-guile
- Terminal: foot
- Font: fira code
- Programs: emacs!
- Dots: https://git.sr.ht/~mrh57/dotfiles
- Wallpaper:
upvote fot using Scheme
looks great fellow guix user! dwl-guile and dato-guile look very interesting, i may need to switch to wayland soon and try it out (i’m currently using xmonad).
Looks great! How do you find guix as an OS overall?
I quite enjoy it!
Being able to rollback any change I make to the system, either package changes or system configuration, makes it completely unbreakable and provides great peace of mind. It means I can fully enjoy its rolling-release nature without worrying.
Having my entire system configuration declared in a single, robust programming language (Guile) across a small number of files makes it very easy to understand and just stick into source control to reproduce.
Being able to hack on it in a lisp (scheme) is the cherry on top, along with the great emacs integration. I would highly recommend it to any lisp/emacs/gnu enthusiasts.
Have you also tried nix, if so did you have any particular reason to stick with guix (maybe the Foss aspect)?
I have never used nix or nixos. I liked their shared idea (functional, atomic, reproducible systems), and so when I looked at their differences they seemed to all be pros for guix:
- Clearer, more robust, more centralized documentation
- GNU Project
- Guile Scheme (Lisp) as opposed to Nix DSL
- Unparalleled emacs integration
The only bittersweet aspect of guix compared to nix was the foss only stuff, as I do need some proprietary drivers, but nonguix is so easy it hasn’t been a practical issue. And of course I am big advocate of free software so I like that guix is pushing that forward.
There’s also a theoretical issue that guix has less packages, but the standard channel + nonguix has had everyhing I use.