For all the Barbie fans, here is …a lot…of pink.
Rice setup:
Kvantum = Deepinv20
Plasma = mkos-BigSur
colors = Blur-Glassy (custom barbie pink #e02189)
Window Decorations = Klassy (custom pink border and round corners)
Icons = Reversal-pink
Cursors = Oxygen Pink Blossom
Konsole Theme = pinkcat console theme
Other components:
Kpple Menu = (custom Barbie head icon)
KDE’s floating panels for taskbar and dock
Application Dashboard widget for dock (custom Barbie purse icon)
Virtual Desktop Bar widget used in dock (not recommended for Wayland)
Modern Clock widget used on desktop for date/time
Wunnderground Extended widget for weather in taskbar
gtk3-classic - found in Chaotic-AUR or AUR repos (makes both QT and GTK follow windows decorations)
make one for oppenhiemer too /s
deleted by creator