Hey do anybody know where you get a tv that supports 4k and does not have that locked up smarttv shit?
If there are none, does anybody know a tv that boots fast(less than 30 seconds) and displays an hdmi input by default without the need to choose the input from a menu.
Thanks in advance.
And sorry if I am in the wrong place.
If you want to discuss this topic further, I’d be happy to. But not if you’re going to causally throw around insults.
You don’t know anything about me or my work experience.
Throwing around insults is not helpful, but neither is “trust me bro”.
Where was the trust me bro part in his response?
OP literally said to not assume what he did or didnt???
That’s the neat thing: I don’t need to.
If you’re just parroting the same narrative without any basis like anybody else and also use the same narratives, I can safely assume that unless proven otherwise, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Username checks out
Thanks for confirming my original response to you.