Could we add officially supported Arm containers?
Oracle has a pretty generous always free service with Arm; 4 Arm vcpu, 24Gb RAM:
AWS has a pretty good free trial to the end of the year:
I think it’s generally true that Arm is more efficient and better for the environment.
There are 3rd party Arm images available and I’m running instances with these on AWS and Oracle, but they are not updated as frequently as the official images:
I know if I’m asking I should be ready to help, and I am. But this isn’t something I know how to do.
I really do trust both of these projects and the community mindedness of their owners. Does someone know how you’d go about verifying a 3rd party image hasn’t diverged from the official project image?
You read the Dockerfile
To me the first line is pretty opaque
ADD file:1368964550b1f674dd0365f72bb1d55cfebf5e3c651d49b5e168f9be97a6df76 in /
Maybe that hash lines up with a version of Lemmy, otherwise it’s just a hash of a mystery block of files that could contain anything.
Here’s an example dockerfile I wrote (for a different project) that’s a little more transparent
FROM alpine:3.18.2 WORKDIR /root RUN apk update && apk upgrade && apk add --no-cache git nodejs-current yarn RUN git clone WORKDIR /root/hydra RUN yarn install EXPOSE 8000 CMD ["yarn", "build"] CMD ["yarn", "serve"]
ubergeek77’s multiarch docker images update fast.
If you want up to date docker arm64 images ubergeek77 has a great project setup for that ^^