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Hey everyone, I figured that some new users might not know that comments and posts have a formatting standard called Markdown.
In simple terms, Markdown is a (semi)universal language that uses formatting symbols to give a certain style to a portion of text.
This quick guide can help you to write in a way that’s more appealing and easy to read.
FORMATTING SYNTAX EXAMPLE New line put two spaces at the end of the line you want to break Line__ New paragraph return two times at the end of the paragraf Line↵↵ Horizontal rule between each paragraph put three “-” or “*” *** Bold put your text between two “**” or “__” **Bold** or __Bold__ Italic put your text between two “*” or “_” *Italic* or _Italic_ Subscript put your text between two “~” ~Subscript~ Superscript put your text between two “^” ^Superscript^ Inline code
put your text between two “`” `sudo rm -rf /` Headings and Titles put one or more “#” at the beginning of the line # Headings for level 1, ## Headings for level 2… Blockquotes put “>” at the beginning of the line > Blockquote Links put the the text between [ ] and the link between ( ) [Links]( ) Images like links but you put “!” before the first square bracket 
You can also do unordered lists using “-” at the beginning of each line:
- Salt
- Potatoes
- Beanswill become
- Salt
- Potatoes
- Beans
Or ordered list by putting “1.” at the beginning of each line:
1. Salt
2. Potatoes
3. Beanswill become
- Salt
- Potatoes
- Beans
You can save other users from spoilers by encasing a paragraph between a section that starts with “::: spoiler” + the title of the spoiler and ends with “:::”. The spoiler will be hidden inside a menu and you’ll be able to see it if you click on it
::: spoiler warning! spoiler!
the butler did it
:::will become
warning! spoiler!
the butler did it
In the end you can also format big code blocks by putting “```” at the beginning and at the end of each paragraph
println(“Hello World!”)
```will become
println("Hello World!")
Last but not least remember that you can always use break formatting syntax by putting “\” in front of a character:
so if I want “^” in my text without having the rest of the paragraph in superscript, I’m simply going to write “\^”
Now go and have fun!