Although the LHC is running through the territory of a few municipalities, only one
of them had as much as three floodings between 1983 and 2004, the remaining ones
even less than three [38]. As there have been no reported consequences for the LHC
tunnel, a natural cause for flooding will not be the crucial factor for the determination
of the probability of occurrence.
Climate change might change that but it doesn’t seem like long term flooding is a major risk even if abandoned.
Large Hadron Collider could be an interesting candidate. It’s not very visible, but it’s unique, gigantic, and insulated from damage
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It’s about 200m below the surface, but the surface is about 400m above sea level, so I don’t think flooding is a major risk.
Cern has a risk assessment here :
Climate change might change that but it doesn’t seem like long term flooding is a major risk even if abandoned.
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