- OS: Arch Linux
- Window Manager/Desktop Environment: IceWM
- GTK2 Theme : Clearlooks
- Icon Pack: Tango (old version)
- Cursor Theme: DMZ (White)
- WM Theme: Icelooks(an icewm theme i made that looks like clearlooks)
- Terminal Emulator: Terminator
- Music Player: Goggles Music Manager
- File Manager: PCManFM
- Desktop: PCManFM Desktop
- Eyes: xorg-xeyes
- Calculator: galculator-gtk2
- Theme Switcher: lxappearance
- Volume Applet: volumeicon-gtk2
- Network Applet: network-manager-applet
10/10 would use.
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Every x11 desktop needs these lol
OP over here running Solaris.
Still, tango best icon theme after all these years. So much effort put into it to create a consistent and conplete icon theme for all deaktops. One of the greatest achievements we’ve had.
I agree, tango is my favorite icon theme
oh this is awesome, I wonder how this’d look with a dark colorscheme? 🤔
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Wait, that’s not twm.
its IceWM
upvoted +1 for icewm
IceWM uses GTK2?
no icewm has its own ui toolkit
What about the Clearlook?
clearlooks is a gtk2 theme,icewm doesn’t support the same themes
lol you really caught off guard with the “Goggles Music Manager”, I thought it was a front end for YT music or some shit like that haha.
yea lol goggles sounds like google, but they are not related