•Distro: Arch
•WM: Hyprland
•Status bar: Waybar
•Terminal: Kitty
•Editor: NvChad with a custom (messy) theme
•Sound visualiser: cava
•Browser: Firefox with the Firefox Colors plugin
•Screenshot utility: Grim (with Slurp if you want to select an area to screenshot)
•Wallpaper utility: none just add
misc { force_default_wallpaper = 3 }
to your hyprland config
Is that girl wearing a Wayland sweater?
Yes. That’s one of the default hyprland backgrounds
Looks pretty dope, care to share some dots?
As i wrote in the body of the post the dotfiles have to come later.
I posted that just before going to work, luckily it’s a short day today so you should “only” have to wait another 4,5 - 5,5 hours👍
here are the dots https://github.com/saltyiceteamaker/BlueNight
It’s hypr-chan!
Honestly I would love to see a webcomic about hypr-chan, I wonder what the significance of all the Holo cat. And that bus looks super sci-fi, she must be riding the hypr-loop
Do not tempt me I’m stronger than this
Do not tempt me I’m stronger than this
Do not tempt me I’m stronger than this
Do not tempt me I’m stronger than this
Do not tempt me I’m stronger than this
thats a super cool setup. The whole aesthetic works
deleted by creator
just fixed it
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
fellow pirate that likes chess!
Of course we are just referring to pirate themed media ;-)
That’s really clean! Looks beautiful.