Machine head - Bush
Communication Breakdown by Led Zeppellin
Mr Roboto?
At least one of us is on a Styx kick.
Pink Floyd - Breathe
I’m really shit at working these sorts of things out, so no answer from me…just wanted to say that’s a really beautiful image!
I’d say thanks (guess I am) but all the credit goes to the ai that interpreted the lyrics.
your choice of model, guidance, steps and seed has a deep impact on the outcome.
i may use the same lyrics and have a perfectly boring result.
Just a guess:
OK computer - Paranoid android.
Right on.
What would be sick af would be to play this game but you have to provide like an 5-15 second audio clip.
Head like a hole - Nine Inch Nails
The Dresden Dolls - Coin-Operated Boy
Any hints? Genre, maybe? :)
Genre is hard rock
Billy Idol - Eyes Without A Face
Black Sabbath - Iron Man
Presumably the prompt is the lyrics or the title, so it won’t be the vibe these give off: “Legend Of A Mind” or “Keep Talking.”