How is this relevant to anything at all? If you want a streaming music subscription, you can pay for one. If not, don’t. You can use any service you want on an iPhone, and you can likewise use Apple Music on an Android phone. The availability of services is just a totally separate issue.
Of course you can. The iPhone never lost any of the basic features of the iPod and is perfectly capable of storing and playing DRM-free music in popular formats.
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The monthlies
itune subscription fee : $10 Apple tv: $9
Let’s say you save and take the apple one, still, $20 every month! ($240 every year, recursively) On top of prepaid internet subscriptions!
Am I the only one who’s seeing this?
You might be the only one for whom these words makes sense
What flabbergasts me is that they are okay with it.
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How is this relevant to anything at all? If you want a streaming music subscription, you can pay for one. If not, don’t. You can use any service you want on an iPhone, and you can likewise use Apple Music on an Android phone. The availability of services is just a totally separate issue.
Is it possible to play music offline, that one receives from, say whatsapp? Or airdropped from another phone?
Of course you can. The iPhone never lost any of the basic features of the iPod and is perfectly capable of storing and playing DRM-free music in popular formats.