Scoring high on an IQ test as a child means you’re advanced compared to other children. It doesn’t mean you’re going to be a genius as an adult. It also doesn’t mean you can’t have stupid beliefs that don’t work.
High IQ doesn’t mean someone is always correct. He was also a test subject in MKULTRA which fucked up his brain big time.
Also, don’t accuse someone else of being illogical when you are using one of the most basic logical fallacies (appeal to authority, ie. “Ted was smart therefore he was correct”)
The guy who scored 167 at IQ test when he was a kid?
Sadly logic does not follow emotion.
If you want to argue back, then you need reason to be on your side.
Scoring high on an IQ test as a child means you’re advanced compared to other children. It doesn’t mean you’re going to be a genius as an adult. It also doesn’t mean you can’t have stupid beliefs that don’t work.
Kaczynski’s madness was manufactured through calculated psychological abuse in the Harvard laboratory of one Henry Murray. Look it up, dude.
The unabomber was a reactionary, being good at solving math problems does not make you good at understanding our world.
High IQ doesn’t mean someone is always correct. He was also a test subject in MKULTRA which fucked up his brain big time.
Also, don’t accuse someone else of being illogical when you are using one of the most basic logical fallacies (appeal to authority, ie. “Ted was smart therefore he was correct”)
I am answering his Ad hominem, as he did not dispute the problems raised within the manifesto.
Ah, one fallacy begets another. Very logical debating! Carry on then.