Why on earth would it show me this in Music then proceed to open in the browser, ask me to sign in and then only allow you to add them to library one at a time.
For a company that normally nails UI/UX this is ridiculous. Like this would be great in the actual music app as we could read the accompanying text about the albums whilst listening to them, alas this is so bad that I’ll just not even bother.
Edit: I did manage to find the section where you can add the albums to your library, one… at… a… time…
Yes because apple stopped doing shit
Let me ask you this.
What more do you want from a phone? Also are you suggesting that since Apple “stopped innovating” then nobody else does?
Allowing installation of any apps, not limiting certain apps while others aren’t. Etc.
That is coming, you just have to wait for someone to make a third party store. Personally I am not interested in that. If I was I would use a Google Pixel with GrapheneOS, but I just want my phone to be something I don’t have to think about or do any research on whether something is safe to install.
I’m a software developer so far from dumb when it comes to tech, but there comes a point in life where you just want the easy route. I’ll geek out with my PC or my 3D printer or whatever else, but my phone is required to be easy to use and require zero thought on my part.
Its beyond sideloading. Certain first party apps have abilities third party ones cannot due to the restrictive API.
Do you have any examples?
I’m not doubting you. Just struggling to understand what you mean really?
A stupid example would be only the messages app can use SMS. A more complicated one is that only the native calendar app is able to put notifications in the future (it says "in 15 minutes or whatever)
Really just everything about Apple is super restrictive, and the functionality of the native apps are so bad.
WebDAV apps sync every 4 fucking hours or something but I bet that iCloud is near instant (or push based)
Ah thanks.
I now understand.
Yeah I agree it can be restrictive, but I guess that’s why I choose iOS and if I wanted more I’d use a Pixel with GrapheneOS.
I also agree the native apps are garbage. A few examples I use Overcast over Podcast, Carrot over Weather, ProtonMail over Mail, Arc over Safari.
I feel for the things you require you might be better choosing a different phone.
iPhones would absolutely be good if they stopped limiting them arbitrailally.
“But Steve jobs-” is actually a piece of shit and died from easily treatable cancer over 10 years ago. Edit: whatever he thought isn’t really relevant