- [Sway]-Arch-Nord
- [Cinammon]-NovaOS-Nord
- [Sway]-Arch-Not_nord?
- [Lawnchair]-Android-definitely_not_nord
What you can see:
- Status bar: Waybar
- File manager: Nemo
- Music player: Ymuse
- Bluetooth manager: Blueberry
- Volume: Pavucontrol
- Background noice app: Blanket
- Notifications: Dunst
- Editor: Neovim
Not OP, but all would probably most convenient. I’d personally be most interested in your Waybar, Dunst and Hyprland configs, since I’m a bloody noob when it comes to theming, but I really like what you did there :3
Thanks a lot !
I second that :) waybar and dunst are very interesting !Hyprland as well
I do have to say that my waybar modules might behave odd to some people, some module are set to toggle/modify status on left click/scroll some others(like battery) only to expand info on left click. Still most open a graphical manager on right click but mostly no tooltips.
What is nice is that when they are active they have a bottom border and/or color (like volume module being blue when bluetooth is connected) so it should be low cognitive effort to use.
So yeah, active worskspaces are white, focused has bottom border, focused on second monitors have green bottom border, and empty are gray. Which would be consistent with the status of the other modules.
Not odd at all, this is a nice use of toggle. I integrate most of this in mine