For me, both of those functions open the link in the built-in browser. Is this a common problem?
Do you have the app internal browser (custom tabs) enabled? Open link shows it in the app browser, open link external pops it open in firefox.
I suppose we could make a request to hide the ‘open link’ option from the list if the custom tabs feature is disabled? Perhaps we could also include a tooltip for the custom tabs feature to convey that is works as the in-app browser.
so it was initially enabled. now that i disabled it, it always (both with open link and external) opens links in firefox. not the behavior i would have expected, but this is fine since I mostly want links to open in firefox anyway. thanks
Oh interesting, so it always opened internally regardless of that setting? That could be worth a bug report on their repo if you have the time (and can reliably reproduce the behaviour)
Me too.
Try on a shared image. One should open in the app, the other in the browser.
Perhaps there will be an internal Webview implementation one day.