Biologically male procedures only. EDIT: If the two people who downvoted this question could explain their reasoning, I would be super interested. No judgements. This is a safe space!
Biologically male procedures only. EDIT: If the two people who downvoted this question could explain their reasoning, I would be super interested. No judgements. This is a safe space!
Down vote because this is an American specific thing in a global community. It excludes the rest of the world.
David, you’re an idiot.
Maybe you missed the “no judgement. This is a safe space” in the op?
As you judge him for being American? I stand by my original statement, you’re an idiot.
The rest of the world has health care too. The situation is america specific, but anyone can chime in to say what health care is probably worth getting.
Upvote for your honesty, mate!
While the prices arent insane, I still spend nearly double my insurance each month due to “eigen bijdrage”. I think it’s 400 per 3 months, though I’m not sure.
So I understand wanting to catalogue all treatments he could do whilst not needing to pay for’m.
The situation is mostly America specific, the question isn’t.