My kids are young and their birthdays are exactly 3 years and 1 day apart. We have their birthday parties together for now because they are still young (turning 4 and 7) they also get along and don’t mind at all sharing a birthday party.

When making invitations should I put that it’s a joint birthday party? I don’t want parents to feel obligated to get something for both kids but I also don’t want them to feel bad that they didn’t know and didn’t get something for the other kid. How should I word the invitations?

    3 months ago

    I grew up with an older brother whose birthday was exactly 5 years before mine. The dual birthday party was OK when we were little, but by the time I was in elementary school, all I wanted was to have my own special day, and not have to share it. This got even worse when I eventually married a woman whose birthday was ALSO on the same day, but that’s besides the point.

    What I really want to communicate is that each kid should get their own special day, don’t treat it like a parenting two-fer. They’re individuals and should be treated as such.

    As for the invitations, yeah say that it’s a joint birthday party, but that it’s not expected of them to bring gifts for both of your children.

    • polarpear11@lemmy.worldOP
      3 months ago

      I’m thinking this will probably be the last year they will want their party together. They go to an extremely small school and know a lot of the same kids so it never feels disjointed but I also want them to get the special birthday treatment most kids enjoy. Another commenter suggestion of one party in the am and one in the pm could be a good compromise for this year though.

  • Flying
    3 months ago

    I would just be honest in the invitation that they only need to bring a gift for the kid who’s birthday they are celebrating.

    Another idea- maybe do a birthday party for one in the morning and the other in the afternoon?

    3 months ago

    My brother and I are just 2 days (and a few years) apart. Personal celebrations with family were combined when we were younger (and moved to separate ones on our own birthdays as we grew older), and parties with friends were held on separate days.

    On the invitation I’d say it’s a combined birthday party and that presents aren’t required for both kids, just the one that they’re coming for (As in friends of Kid A get Kid A presents, and friends of Kid B get Kid B presents)

    3 months ago

    I think folks would rather know. If it’s a split group, you could tailor the invites to mention that it’s also the other kid’s birthday, but they have their own group of friends coming with gifts.