Getting ready for the literal and figurative shit storm that is potty training. I would love to hear some experiences-

What method did you use? Was it from a book or a parenting blog? How long did it take? What would you do differently? What did you do right?

I plan to record evidence of our triumph so I can show her when she get sassy and says I don’t do anything for her. Welp kid, you’d literally be an animal defecating on the floor! Let’s watch exhibit A, shall we?

(I’m not really recording my child, I feel like I have to say this for the former FBI agents who recently have so much time on their hands. I was being entirely facetious…which sounds like feces)

    26 days ago

    we’re on day one with my 23 month old, so i don’t have any sage wisdom about it really. but i’ll go over what we’re doing, since it’s not a disaster (yet)

    • we prepared well in advance, read the book twice (oh crap potty training)
    • it’s a stern, cold turkey, end to diapers. we explained what we’re doing in plain language and did our best to speak with confidence and directness and emphasize that we’re here to help. we’re doing night training at the same time as day training in hopes it will not show weakness in our approach
    • we bought a mini pot for each floor of the house so there’s always one sorta nearby + a seat for the big toilet (he hasn’t used it yet but he knows what it’s for). introduce the kid to it early if you want but make sure they know it isn’t a toy, it’s only for serious business
    • i think it’s important to not wait to long, the book said 30 months(?) was too long - they’ll start to have discovered power manipulation at that age i guess, and make it difficult. at my kid’s age he’s still really eager to impress us and not play games about it too much