Saving the stock value of Open Ai and chip companies… Until they manage to compete again.
Looking for an alternative to reddit
Saving the stock value of Open Ai and chip companies… Until they manage to compete again.
Don’t worry about it. If you don’t post anything they disagree with (and most people don’t), you will not be annoyed by them.
If you have only mainstream opinions, you will be fine. You don’t question mainstream science, you think everyone needs to vaccinate for the public good, and so on. Nothing strange for the majority.
Sure but do they matter?
By changing the url manually to instances you know about?
I think something along the lines of showing most instances in the same page could be cool.
Because the fediverse is not about a single instance.
This war is about control, not by weapons but by controlling minds. It’s fairly obvious. Social media forms opinions. It’s also full of bubbles where people get reinforcement for their existing beliefs. What people believe doesn’t matter so much, just that their beliefs are shaped by social media.
Social media platforms are controlled by big tech algorithms, so they in turn control what information should surface. On computers and phones, you have survellience apps running (called AI) that collects information about each users private life. This is all combined with other info to build an accurate profile of everyone having a device using social media or the web.
The end goal is to watch everyone, keep them in line. In the west I think it’s mostly used to sell ads, but in other countries like China and Russia, I think it’s more sinister.
Either way, the end goal is control of people. Before, it was control of land and borders.
Or it’s important to the media companies to not alienate Microsoft because of reasons.
I mean, it’s very strange. Open Ai is the obvious loser on this, not Facebook. Obviously Microsoft doesn’t want the press reminding people of alternatives to the big tech models.
Yeah I’m also waiting for Wayland support.
Probably for the best. Most of us die if there is a nuclear war, so just don’t even think about it. But live your life now.
I don’t think the world can prioritize something and the threat will go away.
I’m thinking I have 20 more years of being in working condition, so I’m planning to work less and travel more from next year already. Using my savings.
I don’t dare to wait until I’m 65 to do all those things. Many people get sick and don’t do anything.
You are describing me. :)
And yeah, I’m happy with my timeline. If anything, I would move it back even more. Born in the 60s would open up for a lot of cool stuff in the 70s.
It’s become much more moderated and controlled. I think reddit is actually less controlled. I’m seeing conversations about Swedish immigration that would never be allowed on Lemmy.
On the other hand, I saw that Luigi was not allowed to be mentioned in Reddit now in some subreddit… So… Lol.
Yup I agree. I also think there is human cloning going on too (it’s illegal but obviously secret organizations are doing it).
Do those clones have souls? It’s even more interesting to me since it’s an attempted copy of a real person.
We won’t find out until cloning is legal, and it won’t be legal until it’s 100% safe. All the failed clones are most likely being terminated in secret.
Any Ai couldn’t answer that any more then science could. You already have your answer, if you believe in science.
I think we have souls though. :)
Haha :) It’s all relative I guess. Billionaires are comparing themselves to other billionaries, not the guy down the street who sits in wallmart cash register all day.
I don’t like my family either. We don’t really choose what people become our parents… Or maybe we do, but it takes place outside this realm before we are born, if we do. I envy people who like their parents.
It’s so strange that a lot of people have the need to push others down for what interests they are enjoying.
On the other hand, I’m looking at Lemmy and I’m seeing the exact same thing here - downvoting when you don’t agree instead of leaving it alone.
I think we all should have a no politics rule… It’s just turning people against eachother, when we have much more incommon with eachother than the politicians.
Also it creates mind ghosts in dumb people. They go oh yeah, so you support genocide?" or" huh, you are a child molester right ".
You can’t argue with stupid people but you can choose to not argue at all. :)
Lol :) That sounds absolutely horrible.
Starting over wouldn’t have any benefits unless humans would somehow have a completely changed consciousness. Otherwise the same egocentric views would dominate and competition would make sure that we get the same world again.
Humans are not capable of prioritizing “what do we as a species want to accomplish this year”. Should we look at world production and make sure nobody goes hungry, for example. Nope, can’t do it, because we have countries and money, making sure we can’t just cooperate and make it happen.
A password max length shouldn’t be needed if they store a hash of it in the db.