get one what? Is there a ready made Product?
I made my own IR-Receiver/Keyboard for my Media Center. Based on Attiny. But can’t really recommended that process to others.
Waaait what wormholes are we talking about? I am aware these three, sounding similar but incompatible with another:
Translate You can be a frontend for LibreTranslate, Lingva (Google Translate), DeepL and more.
How does that work?
Snapchat uses TLS - right?! Did Onavo install a CA? Can every VPN-App do so? Did Snapchat not use certificate pinning?
ffmpeg -ss [start] -to [stop] -i in.mp4 -c copy out.mp4
ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf "crop=out_w:out_h:x:y" out.mp4
ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf vflip -c:a copy out.mp4
ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf "transpose=1" out.mp4
… Not gonna lie - its nice to also have a GUI for this!
I personally don’t use Exchange but native support is a huge plus when recomending Thunderbird!
As a chatbot I am not allowed to answer this question. How can I help you?
indeed! just to clarify: by no means do i want to defend firearm practices there. Interesting graph - especially the development in recent years! 😰
correct! And even in USA where there is a mass shooting like every day, the car is worse than firearms
Who couldnt’t turn up the volume when listening to!
wasn’t what musk wanted paypal to be named way back? And the domain his all the time? And right now just refers to So users shouldn’t be impacted by domain block? What du I know … glad to not be on that hellsite.
I am using OpenBoard as well. There even is a fork with gesture typing for the adventurous.
For links only that’s possible. And one community i know have the top links from their reddit counterpart mirrored here even partly automated.
For any kind of media and even text that would infringe the copyright of the author. And could put the instance in risk of legal action.
Therefore i see much more potential in getting the content creators and commenters here - just like it is happening already.
Here is the rss-feed:
I didn’t hear into it yet.