unlawfully hacking a Nintendo Switch console
What? It’s my hardware, Apple lost his battle with jailbreaking years ago, Nintendo just shit out an already lost argument.
unlawfully hacking a Nintendo Switch console
What? It’s my hardware, Apple lost his battle with jailbreaking years ago, Nintendo just shit out an already lost argument.
…are you gatekeeping scam lore?
Oh fuck, sorry, you’re right
My friends and I use Obsidian and Syncthing. It’s a bit tricky if you try to edit simultaneously but it works if you edit at different times.
Edit: not foss
They’re so defederated they needed to use another account on another instance to even ask this.
The fuck are you asking non bee haw users for?
…but it is already that good? The fact that celebrities are having to come out and say it wasn’t them in an ad is proof enough that it can fool people
You only need to fool a jury
This is literally the only upside I see from this.
One of the Dune audio books started off as multiple voices and then part way through it was finished by just one guy. Really impressed with it at first, and then really kind of debuffed by it. I had already read the book years before so it wasn’t a big deal, but like wtf?
It depends. It definitely is easy to get distracted and need to rewind but I found that happens much less often than with sitting down and reading in text form.
Its a solid solution and I recommend you give it a try.
AudiobookBay and youtube have tons of books
Imagine the day when people post videos of the president saying literally anything with pitch perfect audio voice synth
Imagine going to prison for a generated clip of you confessing to a crime.
Fucking neat
As an alcoholic, you cannot help someone who doesn’t want help. It’s a disease that grabs ahold of your mind and tells you to do things you actively don’t want to do. It’s hard to explain how you can just NOT want to be drunk today but then do it anyways. How you can know you’re hurting the people around you and still do it anyways. Both of my parents were violent alcoholics, but as I’ve grown and dealt with the issues of addiction myself, I’ve learned to have empathy for them.
Whatever you do, don’t marry this person unless you’re 100% sure you can deal with this disease. It may get better but it will definitely get worse for a time. There is no “former alcoholic”. There are only alcoholics who choose not to take the first drink.
I hate to say something so harsh but it’s the truth. I’m glad my girlfriend has endured me but I’m trying. There was a time I was downing 2 pints of bacardi gold every day, waking up and filling my coffee cup with it and drinking all day, sometimes passing out, waking up and drinking some more. I’ve cut back but I made.the decision myself. My girlfriend definitely pushed me in that direction and I’m not trying to take credit away from her trying, but everyday I make that decision myself.
You can push your fiance, but they have to make that decision. Everyday.
I have multiple accounts across multiple instances just to make it easier to shit post
I don’t use VRR nor HDR so that actually works fine for me.
How well does proton work on Nvidia GPUs now days?
I’m really tried of windows as a whole and would like to get away from that ecosystem. There’s really nothing keeping me there other than I’ve been told gaming on Nvidia is still way behind, but that might have changed
For what it’s worth, many apps like Boost and Sync can do this locally.
This, 100%. I’d rather see 10 posts with a bunch of comments than 150 posts with no comments.
I can get news anywhere.
Especially with the frequency that these repost bots post, it’s just drowns out real posts and makes lemmy look like a bot farm.
People who say this stuff have no real life experience
My head just tried to explode