Unfortunately alive. USAmerican, gay

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2024

  • I went through a terrible in-between phase where I first went from drawing cartoony people to trying to draw more realistic ones. Never had an art class or anything, pretty sure I have aphantasia too, so I was just raw dogging it until I learned how to use refs. I specifically remember constantly attaching the thumb at a weird angle and wondering why my characters looked like they had crab claws.

    That or some niche porn because I started thinking too hard about how my interspecies characters would have sex. Most of my characters aren’t even attractive to me but that didn’t keep me from drawing them doing shit to each other’s junk.

    Also My Little Pony crossover fan art but it was just characters facing left on a white background.

  • Every time I get to know my neighbors, things are going well and then they suddenly drop something wildly transphobic, homophobic, or ableist. The last one was especially horrifying back when people were still talking about COVID— “but it only affects old/disabled people!”— pretty much saying to your face that they’re cool if you die.

    Relying on other people in a survival scenario seems incredibly irresponsible. It’s America. Your neighbors want you dead.

    ETA yknow what this is cynical and unproductive. Just do your best to protect yourself but if you belong to a vulnerable group you already know that. People aren’t inherently evil and I need to log off when I’m upset.

  • Mixed feelings. I decided not to study graphic design because I saw the writing on the wall, so I’m a little salty. I think they can be really useful for cutting back on menial tasks though. For example, I don’t see why people bitch about someone using AI for their cover letter as long as they proofread it afterwards. That seems like the kind of thing you’d want to automate, unlike art and human interaction.

    I think right now I just kind of hate AI because of capitalism. Tech companies are trying to make it sound like they can do so many things they really can’t, and people are falling for it.

  • When it comes up, I prefer to just describe the symptom currently at play— e.g. “no it was funny, I’m just slow to get jokes”, or “I need to step outside, crowds stress me out”.

    It’s not a big secret or anything, but I don’t want every slightly awkward moment to turn into a big conversation about my neurotype. Besides, I am how I am, it would be fine even if I didn’t have a reason. I don’t want people to tolerate me because I have a disorder to “justify” it.

  • People use social media for different things. I never used Instagram to meet people, personally. I’ve posted art and I’ve uploaded photos just as a way to show long distant friends what I’ve been up to, but those friends and I mostly talked over text so I don’t know if I ever even looked at my DMs.

    I do actually think social media has made me bad at talking to people irl though, but for different reasons. The way I made friends on Tumblr was I’d post a character design and wait for someone else who designs characters to comment, and then we’d talk back and forth about our characters for hours.

    Now I’m trying to remember how to make friends in person and it’s so much more intentional. You have to actually ask questions and broadcast your interest in people instead of assuming they’re going to infodump on you. You can’t take five minutes to think up a reply because there’s no going afk. You have to have interests other than a gay man you made up.

  • I also don’t parade my identity at work but I’m obviously still affected by the false accusations and firings I’ve seen of other queer people. I’m single right now but imagine if the wrong person saw me getting picked up by my partner, my livelihood would be gone and I’d have to go back to my old dead end job where cis men were allowed to scream at me and throw things and management would make excuses.

    (I was closeted there too, that place was just like that)

    You are affected by anti-LGBT discrimination, you’re just not paying attention for some reason.