Depends of the sector i guess
Depends of the sector i guess
No motivation to do better leads to stagnating tech evolution. If you remove private business you stagnate
You could have bought whatever other brand and then buy an adapter for it.
There are like “dell to hp” adapter or stuff like that
Well. If your measurement method is “no one ever complained” there lie a problem. It happened to me to smell other people grossness but i wouldnt dare to tell them, i simply avoid em.
Remake che se non erro era stato recensito malissimo anche dai più fedeli (parlo di Warcraft III)
Non mi sentirei per nulla in colpa a crackare Diablo 2. Anzi, trovo irresponsabile non averne una copia in continuo seeding se hai un PC sempre acceso XD
Se devo leggere un articolo per scaricare un gioco di 23 anni fa, arr arr fiddle de dee.
Giusto per info, modnight club 2 che compri su steam, è la versione crackata perché rockstar è ritardata e ha perso la sua versione originale:
For the sake of reporting facts and journalism, I believe it’s correct to put the incriminated proof on the internet archive and link them here.
RIF is still working (not using it but i have friends that showed it to me) i dont know why
I have a Karl kani hoodie that looks like new and I bought it like 18 years ago, some things last ages.