J’ai toujours des ravioles surgelés chez moi pour faire ca, un repas rapide et facile.
Je met les ravioles dans un plat a gratin, de la crème, du fromage par dessus, je met tout ça 20 min au four et paf ! Un plat de ravioles comme au restaurant.
J’ai toujours des ravioles surgelés chez moi pour faire ca, un repas rapide et facile.
Je met les ravioles dans un plat a gratin, de la crème, du fromage par dessus, je met tout ça 20 min au four et paf ! Un plat de ravioles comme au restaurant.
Baaabyyyyyy SHARK! Dolodolldoo, Baby shark dolldollodoo, baby shark !
J’adorais le marché de Noël quand j’étais a Liège en Belgique.
J’y ai perdu un paquet de souvenirs vu le nombre de stands de bières belges et pequet.
Same experience on my Fairphone 5, first crashed the OS when I tried accessing the gallery.
Now it is working but the pictures have like dead pixels on them.
Idem, j’ai dit a mes proches que si possible j’aimerai être composté.
Ca existe et ca se développe de plus en plus et l’idée ne plait bien.
D’une manière métaphorique ca me permet de me metarphoser en arbre ou plante vivante, de continuer la vie au lieu de moisir égoïstement dans un cimetière bétonné.
If the Slicer works well
I think this would be the biggest issue.
I had a bit of experience with 5 axis machining and the programming of it is far from trivial.
3 axis is really easy to automate, the paths are quite straightforward, especially for 3D printing when you go layers by layers.
As soon as you add a 4th axis nothing is straightforward anymore. You have a high probability of collision between the extruder and the workpiece and now instead of having a single mathematical solution on how to go from point A to point B you have multiples options and no “right” option, it all depends on how the machine is built and the shape of the part.
Notre mozard de la finance en action !
Chamonix of also a good contender with a population of 9000 habitants
Yes, the k702.
I love my AKG Q702. I think there are almost identical to the Q701 but with a detachable cable so it can be easily replaced.
I’ve been using them almost everyday since 2020 and barely show any wear.
The only thing that wore out a bit is the elastic on the side but I don’t really notice a difference.
Une bonne nouvelle !
On l’a vu avec la guerre en Ukraine, les câbles sous marin sont une cible stratégique.
Elle est livré dans sa propre boite, c’est mignon.
Le nord de la France c’est tout de qui est au dessus de Valence, non ?
Easy, just compress all your collection into 24kbps mp3.
I got the case once: someone was selling potatoes door to door from a weird van.
We got a few robberies in the village a bit later and the police told us that the people were actually checking all houses to see who was here or not and which houses were worth it.
It looks like they are still selling almost 7000 copies per week !
I lived for two years in Cameroon when I was a kid (around 4-5 years old), we were regularly spending time with another family who had kids and the same age.
Fast forward 15 years later, I’m 19 entering university in a totally new city in France. The first day every student is sitting in the amphitheater and they call the name of every student.
When they call the last name of the person close to me I recognize the name so I use it as an ice breaker to start a conversation saying that I knew a family with his name in Cameroon when I was a kid … He says that yeah he lived in Cameroon as a kid at the same time as I did, so here we go we found each other again 15 years later !
I’m adding https://www.survivorlibrary.com/ to the list