When Linux has comparable market share we will have some Linux-only games and Windows runs them in WSL
When Linux has comparable market share we will have some Linux-only games and Windows runs them in WSL
Samsung isn’t
If you run large‑scale Internet services,
That means if you’re large enough that A can pick up the slack if B shits the bed. The only impact would be that you have to use HTTP2
If you do examine what it’s doing you will catch this as soon as an attacker exploits it, and can disable it. Also, you should maybe not run the entire production with experimental features enabled. In a stable feature this would absolutely be a CVE, but this is marked experimental because it might not work right or even crash, like here
It’s an experimental feature. It doesn’t need a bugfix release because you’re not supposed to run it in production, and it’s just a DoS, not privilege escalation or something
With WSL it might be possible
There was some stuff in a recent kernel release or rc. I don’t know what though
Not gonna happen
I want Firefox (with its engine, not webkit) on my phone. With Apple that’s not possible
Why? It’s just another additional port that can break…
That’s a pro, not a con. If I break my 3.5mm I can still use USB or bluetooth. But I will not break my charging port with headphones
It’s not always for professional headphones. I for example just want headphones that I don’t have to charge, don’t have to go into the settings if I want to use a different one, and doesn’t occupy the USB port so I can charge when the battery dies while watching Youtube
Black and white only then
A random outcome isn’t flipping a coin, it’s rolling dice
If they don’t want interpreted Java is out too
So if you don’t understand the lights you blast through, or do you slow down?
Yes, but the pilot still needs to pay attention and be ready to intervene
If Nvidia had worked together with Wayland devs from the beginning this wouldn’t be an issue