Icegel pouch and Samsung cellphone=fast charging
Icegel pouch and Samsung cellphone=fast charging
Not sure where you’re getting 250kwh/m2/year
I took solar irradiance where I live (around 1000kwh per year) and assumed 25% panel efficiency
Assuming we maintain exponential growth of both wind and solar (doubtful) we’re still a least two decades away from eliminating fossil fuel electricity generation
For electricity alone this should be doable. 560000km2 number assumes total replacement of all fossil fuels in all usecases. Electricity production is considerably smaller than that
I have updated the title. I do believe however that in the context of exponential growth of renewable energy this isn’t a massive difference
It would be the 8th largest country in the world.
That doesn’t seem correct. If you assume 250kwh per square meter per year, it sums to something linke 500000km2 or 700x700km square. And in the hottest regions it’s more like 500kwh per m2 per year
path for exploitation
Why is that?
It’s a stretch but not a massive one - I think 2035 is more realistic. Solar deployments double around every 3 years so it’ll double by 2027 and quadruple by 2030 and so on unless some limiting factor is reached
If the data is correct, these are the last years of fossil growth - from now on, renewables will be outpeacing the growing demand
We aren’t. These two chemistries are going to coexist side by side
Many phones overheat while fast charging - this forces the circutry to reduce the current in order to prevent battery damage
If you cool your phone down, it can sustain high current and charges much faster