Can’t wait for Ford revanced.
Can’t wait for Ford revanced.
Yeah, that’s the weak part of the picture.
They really want to kill themselves.
They should put some kind of mark on all those suspicious people and their house, to also let other people know who lives among them.
I don’t know either, i haven’t re-watched it since it aired, and i haven’t really thought about it until now xD I guess it aged badly, but i will give it a shot :)
Yeah, i want to know more :)
Series: ‘dream on’ , ‘profit’ and my favorite: ‘nowhere man’ .
Movies: ‘blood in, blood out’ and a french comedy (my goat), ‘les parasites’.
Videogames: ‘machiavelli the prince’, ‘gazillionaire’, ‘mashed’, ‘battleborn’
I’ll add some when i’ll remember :)
I’m spending more and more time on lemmy. I hope it will grow. How can we advertise it on Reddit?
They removed ‘don’t be evil’ for a reason.
Newpipe, Libretube, Vimusic, dankchat, smart autoclicker, diskusage, notification dictionary, pixeldroid, superimage, tachiyomi, twire.
Tokamaks are useless.