Or indeed something that is really possible with anything. If it’s blurry it’s broken. Learn your camera settings and take another.
Or indeed something that is really possible with anything. If it’s blurry it’s broken. Learn your camera settings and take another.
Man, how did I forget those abominations?
Saved so much time and bandwidth reloading several kilobytes of headers and menus.
It should work at 640x480 and no other resolution.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Probably take a dim view of it when emulating current gen games.
Also they made a ton of money off it.
There’s going to be a lot of shocked Pikachus when the inevitable enshittification hits, and suddenly they charge to host all the documentation and wiki pages. All that barely maintained stuff will just vanish overnight.
I had to laugh at someone in our office who found a listing for a fairly nice house for 20k.
It was indeed a nice house. Unfortunately the listing was for the parking space in front of it.
It didn’t for me. Took ages, cleared the list when sorting by new, but left a ton of comments in place that I can see when sorting by top.
I think that last one would be what they’re aiming for.
It’s no longer Xbox vs PlayStation. It’s PSN vs GamePass.
It just seems mental that they have an entire cloud gaming platform and it doesn’t connect to it.
Everything eaten by Brendan in The Whale.
It’s just a shame all his movies are gash.
Or is all just LLMs summarising the same badly translated source.
But that game in the screenshot looks like it’s a thing, I saw a video of it. Like somebody could make that in Unity in a week or so.
Why not release Bridge Blasters or whatever the fuck it’s called, and then when it’s a surprise hit, put a ton of resources and all your worst money grubbing microtransactions into Bridge Blasters 2 DX Extreme. Then when people see that advertised, they’ll go “oh Bridge Blasters, I remember that, I’ll give that a go”, rather than going “huh, another scam game. fuck that”.
If it’s not punished, is it really illegal?
For me it’s just the last one that counts.
I never had an account to start with.
Never really knew what it was for, and given the number of multi part parts and screenshots where you read bottom to top, no fucker else knows how it’s supposed to work either.
It’s just a shit blog with an arbitrary character limit.
Play Netflix, etc at 4K.
Can’t change it, don’t care about it.
You are tuning in to the Tragedy of the Week Show. Next week they’ll have another to show you.
Yeah, I’ll wager computer generated blur is easier to undo than real physics generated blur.
There was that Canadian a few years ago who used a swirly blur on a picture of him raping kids, and the German police reversed it and had him locked up.