Nah. New wave of incommers will lead to more defederating drama I’m guessing.
Nah. New wave of incommers will lead to more defederating drama I’m guessing.
See your star chart, social status is the same. If you litter you have low social status.
What am I meant to do? I need this boundary shit sorted ASAP.
Don’t email a solicitor to confirm I’ve made payment. Apparently it costs me 36 quid for them to read my email confirming payment.
Scales canna tell the difference between muscle and fat. If you’ve being labouring, you likely have developed muscle whilst losing fat.
I’ve always just scooped water out of the toilet bowl to clean my arse. A bidet seems overkill.
Flashlight is essential for winter in rural places, for working on cars or lighting up awkward places. I’d rather put in place a torch or flexi torch and have it fall over instead of my mid range phone which may lead to the screen scratching. Generally too, using my phone where I need a torch simply exposes my phone to risks.
It’s pitch black, below 5c, snowy and windy. I’d much rather fondle my testicles when walking the dog, instead of holding my phone out. Head lamp is the way forward.
Boo bring back 70s muff. Muff is the right stuff.
I can function at height if I’m on my own but im all thumbs and feel like I weigh 250lbs more. Add any people to the mix and my body starts squatting and the running joke is i look like I’m laying an l egg. I’ll end up walking in an odd half crouch crab like way. Common example is being on a raised walkway, by a pier, canals, climbing stairs of attractions like a fire tower or an old building, ramparts of castles etc.
I did a bungee jump once and the worst part was crab crouching across the gangway that was suspended beneathe the bridge,. Once I was in the basket awaiting my jump, i was fine as i could sit down and I was all strapped in, the jump was easy!