Isn’t there literally a German fairy tale about someone able to make straw into gold?
Isn’t there literally a German fairy tale about someone able to make straw into gold?
The name of the rose. The movies…fine, I guess. The books at least 300 pages too long and frequently segues into long-winded discussion of the political minutiae of the warring monastic orders during the reign of Pope John XXII.
If you want to read about the time period you’ll be annoyed by the murder mystery shoehorned into your dry long winded historical fiction. If you wanted a murder mystery set in a historical setting then you’ll be annoyed by the history lesson being shoved down your throat like a dehydrated fig newton.
I use to bring these on hikes and field exercises. It does have a lot of sodium but if you want something cheap, light weight, and on the calorie heavy side dry Ramen is great!
I thought maybe it was just me! I feel like everytime I try to scroll my screen goes haywire and there’s no telling what it’ll do: like the post? Dislike the post? Open a reply?
I’ve seen pentacles listed as “discs” or “rings” in some less traditional decks and even once as “circles”. I’ve also seen wands as staffs, staves, and batons but if it doesn’t have poles those others seem unlikely. Would clubs work or bats?
Note: no idea what an OFADE is or a OFCOCO just familiar with the tarot not with AI.
That there should be a global language not directly tied to a culture is one of the main arguments for an artificial launague being adopted as the global lingua franca. Not to say there isn’t issues with that either since the most popular constructed languages are heavily adapted from European languages (looking at you esperanto).
This is the part everyone misses. I worked in HR for a number of years and 90% of my job was telling low/middle level managers “you can’t do that to your employee.” (I wasnt high up enough to be dealing with c-suite level complaintants), 9% was recruiting and paperwork, and 1% was telling an employee “You did something potentially terminable.”
Most people only seem to recall that 1% and then keep talking about how “HR isn’t your friend/on your side theyre on the company’s side.” Which is true! But they also didn’t see the 1000 times I slapped their managers hand because I was on the companies side not the managers. Unless your really high up your manager is someone’s employee too. HR isn’t siding with you manager for shits and giggles, there is a reason management won a complaint against you and it isn’t “HR likes management better.” It’s that they framed your problematic behavior better than you framed theirs. Frame everything you report to HR as “this is why it’s a liability for the company” not “I don’t like x,y,z. So-and-so is mean.”
Also remeber just being a bad manager (not doing something immediately terminable) isn’t a firable offense. Yelling/being a low level dick for example may not be something deemed firable. One complaint isn’t gonna e enough and ideally multiple people will complain as well.
The invention of currency basically just introduced universal fungibility to a communities barter system by adding 1 additional step.
It’s basically just dont try to stand, stay flat and roll away from the hole. At least that’s how I was taught
Is it not true in the US too? I wouldn’t tell someone who wasn’t a very close friend that their new outfit looked bad after they’d already bought it. That just sounds like a jerk move even here.
The death valley Germans comes to mind. The theory from the guy who found their bodies was that they thought area 51 would have patrols/guards like US bases in Germany. They didn’t realize that area 51 has a largely unguarded area as part of its “official territory” because death valley does the guarding for them.
Great long form write-up from the guy who found them: Here
I dont think it’s so much an overall dexterity issue just a practice issue. Someone who doesn’t regularly use chopsticks might have really high hand dexterity but they just haven’t practiced that finger coordination. I.e. its easier to teach an athlete a new sport but a football players gonna have to practice to play hockey well.
The most common mistake I see with infrequent chopstick users is overgripping and a low grip. If you squeeze too hard it not only fatigues your hand but it actually makes them harder to control, same for choking up on them. If feels more secure but it actually gives you worse control. For any one wondering a high grip and only as tight as you’d hold a pen should make it easier to use chopsticks.
Studies done on temperature preferences are also biased (like medicine studies or calorie recommendations). Office building studies were based largely on the preferences of white men. Not even accounting for individual preferences someone being in a different “category” (i.e. gender) may also influence at what temperature they are most comfortable.
Refried beans, rice, sirachcha, and too much mayo. Sometimes I eat it with bread like a sad sack sandwich.