Have an electrician come map your outlets. They find the connections in the breaker panel, then they trace them out to figure out where they go and what they do. Your contractor may be right, but as someone that bought a house that’s over 100 years old, it’s just as likely that the switch goes nowhere/isn’t live, or powers something you’d NEVER think of, or powers something that you can’t even see because someone put a drywall facade over it or some other weirdness!
We discovered that we had a LIVE outlet, under our living room floor. For some reason, at some point someone decided that needed an outlet literally in the middle of the living room floor (coffee table lame is my guess). The previous owner/flipper put feaux-hardwood laminate down in the whole house and instead of deactivating it, they just put the flooring right over the top of it and its live 100 year old cloth wrapped wires, leaving us a lovely little fire hazard! That outlet was controlled by, you guessed it, the mystery switch on the wall next to the front door that didn’t seem to do anything.
I’m sure plenty of people would understand it, but I’m struggling with a project at work where I’ve got an operator giving me bad data, and the project appears unsafe and I need to decide and convince my management if we’re going to object to it or not.