“Save every five minutes and never buy Packard Bell.”
“Save every five minutes and never buy Packard Bell.”
Writing and drawing aren’t lost arts, yet ;)
There’s strong evidence, by the by, that writing things down by hand works different parts of your brain than typing does. This can be great for somebody like me, with untreated attention issues, as writing things down by hand can help me remember them better. It takes longer to do, so your mind is on it longer, and particularly when I’m journaling, it seems to help me parse through what feels like a jumble of chaotic, circular thoughts by laying them down one word, one letter at a time on paper.
And since I write pretty much everyday, whether it’s notes at work, the occasional journal entry, or little notes for later in a nice Moleskine pocket notebook, I’d like that experience to be as nice as possible, in the same way a typist might invest in a mechanical keyboard (with just the right feeling and sound for their tastes) or anybody who can afford to will invest in a quality mattress, etc.
If you ever do give handwriting a shot, or if you get into art someday, you might check out some of the pencil and pen recommendations in the responses to this post. They can be a real treat when compared against, like, a standard no. 2 pencil you got in a box of 50 for $2.
I’m a pretentious black wing purist but I love writing the cold too much to resist a good recommendation. Might have to order a pack!
I feel like jailbreaking is often a real chore. The ongoing game of cat and mouse, you know. Is it easy enough to do these days, and do untethered? I haven’t really taken great advantage of jailbreaking since like, iPhone 4. But your comment makes it sound like a practical necessity!
Any wisdom to share about how to be successful slowing down in this way? I’m a major rusher through. I even got a tattoo to remind me to slow down. But I often forget.
But if white widow earlier. But of strawberry cough also earlier but less earlier.