How do we stop radar? By obliterating the air around us with cube. Lol
That is actually pretty neat though!
How do we stop radar? By obliterating the air around us with cube. Lol
That is actually pretty neat though!
I have a rusted knife in a badly tanned hide sheath from the early 1900s that an explorer in the family got from a tribe over Africa way (not sure of real geographical location). The thing is primitive and small but could probably be cursed. I don’t have many items that’d fit the description
100% there are songs and music that I adore that were heavily attached to who I was at the time, that, although I still adore, would not have the same impact now. Green day, RHCP, imagine dragons, all those are from different key times in my life that just would not resonate the same with level of impact today.
I would most definitely lose that value if I eternal sumshined it
His video on the wok induction heater had so much sass
“What was once an impossibility is now a reality”
By vectron’s creaky ankle that’s a great video!
I’ve gone twice, the first time, it was awesome! I was with two friends, we roamed and checked out basically every street. I even got to put a lock on the lock bridge for my partner at the time. Everyone was friendly and 2 of us spoke French so that helped a ton.
The second time I went was a few years after. The terrorist attacks had happened and the experience was not as great. The Eiffel tower is now gated and patrolled, you need had to get in lines and wait to get up close. They also had taken down the lock bridge (I was still with the same partner). It was still a good experience for sure, the vibe was different though.
Paris at night is beautiful, though remember that it is still a city, so treat it as such.
I did some reenactment as a early American colonial settler for a whole expo in a town event. That was pretty fun! Outside that I’ve only helped friends with their actual cosplay. One friend did a league of legends character (IDK the name, I don’t play) and one did reinheart from overwatch. And another did a tavern wench.
Unfortunately I don’t have any pictures in hand. I may cosplay myself soon though. Unknown
There’s a smaller publishing company for small time authors in Florida (if the company is still around) Called witching hour publishing. Their whole schtick is to make publishing cheaper and easier for small time writers. Check it out, might be worth it if you are gonna be prolific.
I don’t bite my nails but after I cut my nails I usually bite the skin under em, it’s also a bad habit lol haven’t gotten over that one either
Biting my cheeks, now I bite my lips. Mmmmmm skin
Oh it’s 100% inspired by TA, I played that game so much as a kid and this one is it’s spiritual successor IMO
I was talking about the housing climate, but crypto is fairly volitle too so I wouldn’t be surprised
Well, isn’t it exciting? We may just witness a second crash! /S
But for real, it’s getting really bad again, it doesn’t seem sustainable and I honestly expected something to crack by now, but it hasn’t. The longer it gets delayed the worse it’s gonna be
Oh there definitely was as far as why the business went down, I just clipped it. But it caused one side of my family to be permanently removed from our lives as well. Though the increased stressors of the crash also aided in that whole deal
One parent had a growing business when I was super young, they brought home well into the 6 figures. However two things happened 1: the internet started getting bigger so that started to hurt their business and 2: the 2008 housing crash happened and for a business that worked with banks on mortgages (I was too young to fully understand what the business did) it was fatal. Then we were dirt poor! The family never really recovered but after many years we did manage to get on our feet, then a parent died and shit went down hill again lmao.
I could’ve grown up a rich kid, instead I grew up with a family oats pot for meals. Though I’m probably a healthier grounded human for it.
Probably something by the RHCP, but I cannot remember properly
I did karate when I was real young but ended up trading it for gymnastics. Then as an early 20s adult I did BJJ. It was fun and great exercise. I have not done it in many years now but it (martial arts, and gymnastics for that matter) is great for developing knowledge of your body in space, made me a bit less of a clumsy person for sure
Only by a friend. I took a silly photo with my face blown wayyy up and distorted with a caption and now its just a meme between us