Linux has it, KDE offers night light by default.
Linux has it, KDE offers night light by default.
Oh nice, a new word. Thanks, kind stranger!
Tölpel - a clumsy person
Hohle Fritte - hollow french fry/chip
Peertube is Federation.
Vimeo and Dailymotion are at least not Google.
Hugo is quite nice and has lots of themes
You can’t have a chatbot that gives good answers without having a chatbot that gives liberal answers.
There is a link to their own F-Droid repo, also it is in Izzys repo iirc. Beta version works just fine imo, but I prefer öffi and use transportr only sonetimes when I’m in a new city
Transportr is what you’re looking for.
In F-Droid, there is always a link to the repo. In english it is probably something like “source (code)”. It is in the collapsable menu under “Links”.
I reported myself just now. Let us see what is going to happen.
One word: imbecile.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights says:
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
So no, you can’t say anything.
Free speech does not mean that you can say anything. You can’t break the rights of others by using your own rights. For example, racial slurs violate human rights of those targeted by them.
Removed by mod
OP: “I want free speech”
Also OP: “Pls go away with ur free speech”
Hm, you can “open exe in wine prefix” or something like this from within lutris, maybe that will work
Have you installed Wine? I mean not in Lutris, but actual Wine in Pop!_OS. Then you can just double click the setup.exe like you’re in windows, install it where you want and then add it to lutris by adding a game manually.
That’s my prefered way of installing any windows program an most of the time it works.
I disagree. I could literally put some porn in this very comment. So the fediverse needs a porn barrier, and every file hoster, we can’t allow TOR, there is porn, and illegal porn as well. So please show us your id before entering TOR, pls.
It is an authoritarian move. It is undermining privacy. It is censoring the web.
It is parents and maybe schools responsabilty to teach kids how to interact with media, that porn exists and is not an actual representation of sex, and to restrict their access to pornography or media in general.
Furthermore, on planet earth, there are no perfect democracies, and the democratic system of the USA is flawed to a degree where it is at least questionable if your leaders are elected democratically.
Plain arch is great for gaming, no need for a gaming specific distro
Oh, haven’t realized that the links were in your post…